Friday, April 12, 2013

Pork chops in orange and mustard sauce

Where to begin... I am so sorry for not posting during the whole of march (!). Can state that I was recuperating from a medical procedure for half of the month and we will forget about my blog lapsus? Thanks.
This recipe is another one that came about through hunger and invention. I was going for Nigella's mustard pork chops. To my great disappointment I had to discover that my local grocery store does not stock any cider... Since I had a schriveled orange lounging in my kitchen I decided to use that. The result was actually quite pleasing. Although the dish certainly moved from Normandy into the more Asian influenced territory, as I used some shaoshing rice wine too. The sweetness of the orange juice goes really nicely with the pork.

Two pork chops
Oil, to fry
One orange, juiced
A small glass of rice or white wine
One teaspoon of grain mustard
Cream, to taste, if desired

1. Preheat your frying pan and season the pork chops with salt and pepper. When the pan is hot add your oil and the chops. Fry until done (two-three minutes on both sides, depending on the thickness). When they are done, cover and set aside.
2. Put your pan back on the heat and use the orange juice to de-glaze. Add the wine and cook off the alcohol. Stir in your mustard. Season to taste, adjust the consistency if needed and add the cream if you are using any. Also check if there are any meat juices from the chops. Add those to your sauce too.
I had mine with some (prefab) gniocchi.

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