Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Warming soup for winter days

What do you do when life hands you leftovers? Lemonade is obviously out of the question.
I recently had just a dollop of mashed potatoes and two oven roasted tomato halves, from dinner the night before, at my disposal to create lunch... Invariably I will always go for some kind of soup in this situation.

I quartered the tomato halves and fried them for a couple of minutes in a little garlic chili oil. Then I added about a pint of chicken stock and let it come to a boil. The fiddly part is having to fish out the tomatoes and blend them with a couple of spoons of stock. (But that's easily managed. I'm just impatient.) Then everything goes back into the pan including the mashed potatoes. Heat up, season and stir well.
That's it.
This is what my lunch looked like.

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