One of the fabulous things we did was exchanging birthday gifts due for dates past, present and future. I was once again at loss what I could give my sister. She's a tricky one...
But a hint made me go out and buy this kind of contraption for her:
For all of you wondering what the hell this torture instrument is; It's a Spätzli Reibe!
Spätzli are big news with my family. They are a form of egg dumplings that are part of the traditional venison meal (with for example Brusselsprouts and stewed red cabbage) in autumn here in Switzerland. But they can also be served as a pasta variation the rest of the year.
So all that my sister needs to make authentic Swiss Spätzli in here London apartment is my mothers recipe. Without further ado:
For 4 as a main course (halve if you plan to serve it as a side dish in a larger menu)
•400 gr of flour
•2 Tbsp semolina flour
•2 Tsp salt
•4 eggs
•3 dl of water
Mix all of the ingredients until well combined. Leave the batter to rest until bubbles start to appear on the surface.
Cooking method:
Boil a pan of water and salt it as you would for cooking pasta.
Prepare the dish, which you want to serve the Spätzli in and put in a pat of butter. This will prevent the Spätzli from sticking together.
Mount the Spätzli Reibe on the pan and pass through a portion of the batter. Remove the Reibe, let the water come back to the boil and let the Spätzli cook for about two minutes. They will go slightly puffy. Remove them with a slotted spoon, let the water drain off and place them into the serving dish with the butter.
Repeat until the batter is used up completely. Maybe add another couple pats of butter during the process.
PS: Photo to follow, as soon as Thea sends me one. ;-) She has a much fancier camera anyway.
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