The first episode I watched was Marrakesh... What can I say, it's always cool to see how other people react to places you have already been to.
On another note I've just watched the Stockholm episode and oh my. Never before was I remotely interested, but now I really want to visit the place!
But back to North Africa. This dish is something quite exotic but strangely enough all of the flavors and spices used have a permanent position in our pantry (Thanks to a large stash of Indian spices). So the only thing that had to be bought were the chicken legs.
This recipe might strike you as somewhat overloaded and confused. That is certainly what I expected. But the result was absolutely delicious, fresh and well balanced. Give it a try and tell me of your results.
Chicken with Lemon and Olives
6 chicken legs, skin removed (trick: use a piece of kitchen paper to pull it off)
one heaped teaspoon of coriander powder
one heaped teaspoon of ginger powder
one leveled teaspoon of cumin powder
olive oil
salt and pepper
three small white onions, roughly chopped
three small cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
one organic lemon, zest removed with a vegetable peeler and chopped, juice of half
big handful of olives
250 ml warm chicken stock
good pinch of saffron powder
a small bunch of flat leafed parsley, roughly chopped
1. Marinate the chicken legs with the three spices (maybe easier to mix them beforehand?), some olive oil, salt and pepper. Do this at least an hour before you want to start cooking (Jamie does it the night before).
2. When you warm up/make your stock add the saffron and let it infuse. Chop, peel and juice the rest of your ingredients (except the parsley).
3. In a large pot heat up some olive oil. Brown your marinated chicken. When it has gotten some color on both sides, add the onion and garlic. Let these soften and maybe even color lightly.
4. Add the lemon zest and juice, the olives and the infused stock. Let it come to the boil, then cover it with a lid and let it cook over a low heat for at least an hour.
5. Sprinkle over your parsley and serve with a big bowl of couscous.